Each Beloved night will include:
- Testimony & Talk
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Confession
- Praise & Worship
- Prayer ministry
Beloved will be held on the First Friday of the month, starting at 7:00pm and ending at 9:00pm.
- February 7 - Love
- March 7 - Faith
- April 4 - Hope; also the Parish Penitential Service (multiple priests available for Confession)
- May 2
Coming up:
- The Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope, & Love
- The 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit
- The 4 Cardinal Virtues
Past sessions have covered:
- The identity of Christ as Priest, Prophet, & King
- The 7 Deadly Sins & 7 Lively Virtues
- The Transcendentals: Beauty, Truth, & Goodness
- The Holy Family and our Mission & Vision
- The 8 Beatitudes