Tuesday, December 13, 2016

O, What-The-Fonz? The O Antiphons!

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I was introduced to the O Antiphons back when I was in the seminary. Something about them grabbed me. It was like I was holding a treasure, a piece of the depth and history of the Church, in my hands.

The O Antiphons date back at least 1200-1500 years. We use them in Evening Prayer (AKA Vespers) for a week leading up to Christmas. Each one is a poetic verse, reflecting on a title of Jesus coming from the bible. I find they help me to dig a little deeper, each year, as I prepare for Christmas.

And you’re probably somewhat familiar with them already. They’re also the source for the hymn O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. (I’m not usually fond of Christmas-related music, because I’m a Grinch, but I’ve always loved this one.)

  • December 17: O Wisdom
  • December 18: O Adonai (Lord)
  • December 19: O Root of Jesse
  • December 20: O Key of David
  • December 21: O Dayspring
  • December 22: O King of the nations
  • December 23: O Emmanuel (God with us)

O Emmanuel… Come and save us, Lord, our God.

(For the complete verses, check out the “O Antiphons” article on Wikipedia. Good ol’ Wiki.)

Read 3652 times Last modified on Friday, December 16, 2016