Life just sometimes feels like a roller coaster, doesn’t it? My February was certainly not what I expected and March seemed to fly right by. Now, on the doorstep of April, I can’t help but look back (even on just these two months) and be surprised by all there has been and is and all there is yet to be. Between a couple challenging months of many youth events (both large and small), and some unexpected health issues within my immediate family, life just feels full and maybe even a little chaotic.
And yet our faith tells us that God remains constant amongst it all. I have been asked to entrust many people, experiences, and desires to Him, and have found over and over that He stands strong amongst the crashing waves and deafening storm. My prayer this Lent has been to find the desert, as a retreat from all that rumbles around me. And while I have had to recommit constantly to good lenten habits, God has been clear that I have a great need for Him; a need to step into simplicity and dryness and silence. It is there that I find God in His still small voice. It is there that I find Him as a rock that I can lean against.