Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Fridays: Days of Prayer and Fasting (Updated)

Update: This schedule will continue only until the end of June.

Bishop Mark has invited everyone to pray and fast for an end to the COVID-19 pandemic and for all those affected by it on the Fridays of the Easter Season (and perhaps beyond).

Join us in prayer as we seek for an end to this time of suffering, fear, pain, isolation, and loss. We particularly keep in mind the poor and those most impacted.

12:15pm Mass
12:45pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
1:00pm Confession available until 4:30pm
4:45pm Exposition ends
5:00pm Mass
  • Please note: This schedule will continue only until the end of June 2020. Starting in July we will not have Adoration and Confessions available in the afternoon, nor will there be a 5:00pm Mass.
  • The church doors remain open for personal prayer during regular office hours (Mon-Fri, 9:00am-4:30pm).
  • Fridays: There will be simple Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from approximately 12:45pm (after Mass ends) to 4:45pm.
  • Fridays: Mass will be celebrated at 12:15pm and 5:00pm. To attend Mass you must pre-register. See: Attending Mass with Restrictions
  • Fridays: Confession will be available from 1:00pm - 4:30pm.
  • All provincial health orders must be strictly followed, including a maximum of 10 people in any area (including the large main worship space) and maintaining 2m distance. If you feel at all unwell or are at risk, please stay home.
    • Upon arrival, if there are already 10 people present, we ask you to please leave and return at a later time, or to simply unite yourself in prayer from your home.

Please see the diocesan website's Heart of Jesus Resources Page for particular information and ideas for entrusting this time to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


The Church also has a rich variety of practices from which to draw:

  • Fasting
  • The Rosary
  • The Liturgy of the Hours, or praying with the Psalms
  • Reading of Scripture, particularly Lectio Divina
  • The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
  • The Examen
  • Singing songs of praise and worship
  • and many, many others.


Please join us in prayer as we seek an end to this worldwide scourge.

Read 3668 times Last modified on Sunday, June 28, 2020