Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Back to "Normal" (???)

All Public Health restrictions have been lifted (again). So what does that look like at Holy Family?

This page was last updated in early 2023.


In a nutshell:

  • COVID-19 is still clearly active in our community. Please be mindful and considerate of others' needs and choices.
  • The number of attendees is not artificially restricted, and seating is unrestricted.
  • Individuals are welcome to wear a mask or not at their discretion.
  • Effective Sunday, April 2 (2022), the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation has been restored.


Sunday Mass schedule:

9:00 am (sometimes livestreamed at; see Livestream Update for details.)

11:00 am (Note: This is changed from our pre-COVID schedule. Mass is not at 11:30 am.)

6:30 pm


What to Expect at Mass:

  • When arriving:
    • The choice of whether to wear a mask or not is left to the individual.
    • Hand sanitizer is available for use, especially at the main entrance.
    • Almost all of the pews are open for seating.
    • Weekday Mass is typically celebrated in the smaller Queen of Peace Chapel (down the hallway past the washrooms).
  • During Mass:
    • Things are mostly back to the way they were before.
    • The choice of whether to wear a mask or not is left to the individual.
    • There will (likely) be a choir at all Sunday Mass times.
    • We have resumed passing the collection plate, and also have donation boxes set up near the doors. You may also donate online or sign up for pre-authorized giving.
    • Kneeling at the Consecration: If you haven't attended since before COVID, we now kneel immediately after the Holy Holy (Sanctus), slightly earlier than before.
    • Sign of Peace: We continue to use a simple gesture, such as a reverent bow.
  • Holy Communion:
    • The priest, and any additional communion ministers, will santize their hands prior to distributing communion, as well as intermittently as necessary.
    • Masks: Communion ministers at all Mass times may wear a mask at their own discretion.
    • Communion will only be under the form of the consecrated bread at this time. Communion from the chalice will not be available.
  • After Mass:
    • Hand sanitizer is available for use, especially at the main exit.


Safety Measures:

We're not out of the woods yet. We will continue to have increased cleaning and sanitation.

  • Sunday Obligation: Effective April 2, 2022, the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation has been restored. That said, particular circumstances may be cause for being excused from attending Mass, including:
    • anyone who is sick, especially those who are symptomatic and have been recently exposed to COVID;
    • anyone with significant health risk factors that requires them to avoid public gatherings;
    • anyone who lives with and cares for someone with significant risk factors;
    • anyone who cannot attend Mass through no fault of their own because of frailty, old age, or limitations exacerbated by distance or immobility, etc.
    • See the March 25 letter from Bishop Mark Hagemoen for information.
  • Cleaning: We continue to clean and sanitize commonly touched areas frequently.
  • Distancing: We encourage keeping some distance between households, to the extent possible. Please be mindful and considerate of others' needs and choices.



If you're interested in getting back into any of our liturgical ministries, sign up at or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are slowly expanding and adding all the ministries back.

Current (well, rather old...) Guidelines for Ministries: (as of July 8, 2021)


Still to Come:

  • Other ministries, such as concierge desk, etc.
  • Communion from the Chalice (likely not for a good while).
  • Sign of Peace back to normal (likely not for a good while).



See Bishop Mark Hagemoen's letters:


Read 8316 times Last modified on Thursday, June 1, 2023